Speak Victory Joel Osteen



Joel Osteen’s message, “Speak Victory,” emphasizes the power of words in shaping our reality, overcoming challenges, and fulfilling our destiny. Here’s an overview of the key themes, lessons, and applications from this inspiring sermon:

Key Themes:

1. Words Shape Your Reality

  • What you speak has the power to bring things to life. Negative thoughts may come, but they die “stillborn” if you don’t verbalize them.
  • Positive declarations, even in the face of challenges, align you with God’s promises and activate His power in your life.

2. Silence the Negative

  • In difficult times, resist the urge to verbalize doubts and fears. Instead, speak words of faith and victory.
  • David’s story of defeating Goliath demonstrates the importance of declaring victory even when circumstances look impossible.

3. Prophesy Your Future

  • Your words are prophetic. When you declare “I will overcome,” “I will succeed,” or “I am healed,” you set the tone for your future.
  • The enemy cannot read your mind; he only knows what you say. Speak what you believe in faith, not what you fear.

Biblical Illustration: David and Goliath

  • When David faced Goliath, he had every reason to doubt. Goliath was bigger, more experienced, and better equipped.
  • Instead of focusing on his disadvantages, David declared victory:
    “You come against me with a sword and shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord. This day, I will defeat you and feed your head to the birds of the air.”
  • David’s faith-filled words activated God’s power, and the impossible became possible.

Practical Applications:

1. Guard Your Words

  • Place a “watch” over your mouth. Resist the temptation to speak words of defeat, even when negative thoughts bombard your mind.
  • Replace statements like “I can’t do this” with declarations like “I am well able.”

2. Speak Victory Daily

  • Make it a habit to affirm God’s promises over your life. Say:
    • “I am blessed. I am healthy. I am strong. I am victorious. No weapon formed against me will prosper.”
  • Verbal declarations of faith reinforce positive thinking and build spiritual confidence.

3. Focus on God’s Promises

  • When negative thoughts arise, counter them with scripture:
    • “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
    • “In famine, the righteous will have more than enough.” (Psalm 37:19)
  • Meditate on God’s Word and let it shape your speech.

Encouraging Lessons:

1. You Don’t Have to Voice Every Thought

  • Negative thoughts are natural, but they only gain power when spoken. Like David, let those thoughts die unspoken.

2. Your Words Have Supernatural Power

  • Angels are activated, and favor is released when you speak faith-filled words. Conversely, negative words can hinder blessings and give power to the enemy.

3. Victory Begins with Your Mouth

  • What you declare in times of struggle determines the outcome. Speaking victory positions you for breakthrough, even when the odds are against you.

Personal Stories:

1. Acquiring the Compaq Center

  • Joel faced many doubts and challenges during the process of acquiring the Compaq Center for Lakewood Church. Despite opposition and limited resources, he declared victory, and God opened doors no one thought possible.

2. The Power of Positive Declarations

  • By refusing to speak defeat, Joel reinforced his faith and demonstrated how God responds to words of trust and belief.


  • Your words are seeds. Plant seeds of victory, not defeat. Speak life, health, abundance, and favor into your situations.
  • Let negative thoughts die. Don’t give voice to fear, doubt, or negativity. Silence the lies of the enemy with words of faith.
  • Declare God’s promises. In the face of challenges, proclaim what God has said about you: You are blessed, healed, victorious, and favored.

Declaration of Faith:

  • “I will overcome this sickness. I will break this addiction. I will see my dreams come to pass. No giant is too big for my God. I am victorious, favored, and well able.”

When you speak faith and victory, you align yourself with God’s power and pave the way for His blessings in your life. Speak victory daily, and watch God work wonders in your circumstances.