Win the War Within Joel Osteen



Joel Osteen’s message, “Win the War Within,” focuses on the internal battle we all face between our flesh (carnal desires) and our spirit (God’s will). Below is a summary of key takeaways and practical applications:

Key Themes

1. The Battle Between Flesh and Spirit

  • Everyone has an internal conflict between the flesh (jealousy, pride, compromise) and the spirit (righteousness, kindness, obedience).
  • The flesh is described as a dictator—it wants control and makes demands on how to react and live.
  • Winning the war within means choosing to walk by the Spirit, not by the dictates of the flesh.

2. The Flesh Must Be Dethroned

  • The flesh resists change and wants to stay in control, dictating negative behaviors like impatience, anger, and compromise.
  • Like overthrowing a dictator, we must intentionally and forcefully remove the flesh from the “throne” of our lives.

3. Daily Discipline

  • The battle with the flesh is ongoing, not a one-time event. Even the Apostle Paul said, “I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31).
  • Consistent discipline is required to resist the desires of the flesh and to honor God.

Practical Applications

1. Feed the Spirit, Starve the Flesh

  • Whatever you feed grows; whatever you starve weakens.
  • Avoid feeding the flesh by refusing to indulge in jealousy, anger, and temptation.
  • Feed the spirit by practicing patience, kindness, forgiveness, and integrity.

2. Choose to Be Israel, Not Jacob

  • Jacob (the old self) represents the flesh—selfish, deceitful, impatient.
  • Israel (the new self) represents the spirit—faithful, disciplined, victorious.
  • Daily, we must make choices to respond as Israel, not Jacob, trusting God and living in obedience.

3. Respond with Grace

  • When situations provoke your “Jacob” side (e.g., impatience, frustration, or anger), pause and choose to respond with grace, as “Israel.”
  • Example: Instead of retaliating when offended, respond with kindness and maintain your peace.

4. Focus on the Long-Term Harvest

  • Avoid making decisions based on immediate gratification.
  • Consider the “later on” benefits of discipline, such as stronger relationships, career success, and spiritual growth.

5. Rely on God’s Strength

  • Some challenges and temptations may persist for years, but God’s grace is sufficient to help you overcome them.
  • Humbly ask God for strength and guidance in areas where you struggle.

Biblical Examples

1. Esau and the Birthright

  • Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of stew, prioritizing temporary desires over eternal blessings.
  • Don’t sacrifice your future or purpose for fleeting gratification.

2. David and Nabal

  • Nabal represents the “old man” (the flesh), while Abigail’s wise actions prevented David from acting on anger.
  • When we choose to do the right thing, even in difficult situations, we can experience breakthrough moments (symbolized by Nabal’s death).

3. Jacob and Israel

  • Jacob wrestled with God and was given a new name, Israel, symbolizing transformation.
  • However, throughout scripture, he is referred to as both Jacob and Israel, showing the ongoing battle between the old and new nature.

Encouragement to Take Action

1. Starve Negative Patterns

  • Refuse to let anger, jealousy, and impatience dominate your actions.
  • Turn to God in prayer and meditate on His promises to strengthen your spirit.

2. Put Off the Old, Put On the New

  • Ephesians 4:22–24: “Put off your old self… and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
  • Make daily choices that reflect your new identity in Christ.

3. Don’t Give Up

  • The war within may be ongoing, but with God’s help, you can overcome.
  • When you stumble, get back up and continue to choose the Spirit over the flesh.

Declaration of Faith

  • “I will walk by the Spirit and not the flesh. I declare that the old man is defeated, and I will live as the new creation God has called me to be. I will starve the negative and feed my spirit with faith, love, and obedience. I am victorious, disciplined, and favored, stepping into the fullness of my destiny.”

Final Encouragement

Winning the war within is not about perfection but about progress. Each day, choose to put off the old self and walk in the newness of life that God has given you. As you honor Him with your decisions, He will empower you to overcome challenges, grow in character, and fulfill your destiny.